Comodo Filesystem Filter Driver Is Not Loaded
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Comodo Filesystem Filter Driver Is Not Loaded Ubuntu
Hello everyone! I'm completely new to Linux, having just moved from Windows XP yesterday. For reference, I am running 32-bit Fedora 20 with 990.6 MiB memory, an Intel Atom N270 1.6GHz processor, GNOME version 3.10.2 and a 115.7 GB hard disk. I installed CAVL but the status panel at the side says, 'Filesystem filter driver not loaded'. Trying to fix this leads me through the following: • Click 'Run diagnostics' • Run /opt/COMODO/cavdiagnostic as root user • It gives the message, 'Kernel module 'redirts.ko' appropriate for current kernel version does not exist. Please run /opt/COMODO/ to install it. Hindi movie songs 2018.