Synopsis: In the third series of this medical drama, several characters face crises concerning family members, including Meredith (Ellen Pompeo), whose mother. Grey (グレイ Gurei) is one of the playable characters in Mega Man ZX Advent. He is the Biomatch for Biometal Model A. Grey's personality is influenced by his experiences over the course of the game. Being rescued by people who didn't know him, Grey is inspired by this act of kindness to do the same.
In the third series of this medical drama, several characters face crises concerning family members, including Meredith (Ellen Pompeo), whose mother (Kate Burton) gets progressively worse as her Alzheimer's advances; and George (T.R. Knight), whose father is admitted to the hospital because of cancer and an aortic-valve problem. George also faces romantic complications, as he grows closer to both Callie (Sara Ramirez) and his dear friend Izzie (Katherine Heigl). Meanwhile, Cristina (Sandra Oh) helps Burke (Isaiah Washington) cover up his hand tremors, and she also struggles to get along with his parents. Burke eventually becomes one of several candidates vying for the position of new chief of surgery, competing alongside Derek (Patrick Dempsey), Mark (Eric Dane) and Addison (Kate Walsh).
Addison eventually contemplates a move to California.